The Lowdown on Clean Coffee Creamers: What to Avoid and Healthy Alternatives

I get asked all the time by clients for clean and nutritious coffee creamer recommendations. Unfortunately, not all creamers are created equal, and it's important to be aware of the ingredients that can compromise your health! Below I will list some common creamer ingredients to steer clear of and list some healthy alternatives to elevate your coffee-drinking experience.

Creamer Ingredients to Avoid:

Oat Milk:

  • While oat milk has gained popularity as a dairy-free alternative, it's crucial to be mindful of its potential drawbacks. Many oat milk brands use inflammatory GMO oils like canola, safflower, sunflower, or soy. These oils can contribute to inflammation in the body. Additionally, oat milk has a high glycemic index, meaning it can raise your blood glucose and insulin levels. The process of liquifying grains turns them into simple sugars, which can leave you feeling hungrier later. Look for certified USDA organic and glyphosate-free oat milk if you still prefer it.

Citric Acid:

  • Citric acid is a common additive in many processed foods and beverages, including coffee creamers. While it occurs naturally in citrus fruits, the synthetic form used as an additive is often derived from genetically modified sources. Consuming large amounts of citric acid may lead to digestive discomfort and could potentially exacerbate conditions like acid reflux. Opting for creamers without this additive is a healthier choice.

Natural Flavors:

  • "Natural flavors" may sound harmless, but the truth is that this term can encompass a wide range of undisclosed ingredients. The FDA defines natural flavors as substances derived from natural sources, but these sources can still undergo extensive processing and may contain additives. Choosing creamers that explicitly list the natural flavor sources is a better option.

Calcium carbonate:

  • Some coffee creamers add calcium to their ingredients list, but this isn't necessarily a beneficial addition. Calcium supplements are best obtained through whole foods or targeted supplementation. The calcium in creamers is typically derived from sources like calcium carbonate, which has low bioavailability and may not be effectively absorbed by the body. Rely on other dietary sources or supplements for your calcium needs.


  • Carrageenan is a thickening agent commonly used in food and beverages, including creamers. While derived from seaweed, it can have inflammatory effects on the digestive system and has been linked to gastrointestinal issues in some individuals. Choosing creamers without carrageenan can help you avoid potential discomfort.

Seed Oils:

  • Seed oils, such as canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil, are often used in commercial creamers. However, these oils pose several concerns for your health. Many seed oils are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and can contain inflammatory properties. Consuming foods high in GMOs may contribute to increased inflammation in the body, potentially leading to various health issues. Additionally, seed oils have a high omega-6 fatty acid content, which, when consumed in excess, can disrupt the delicate balance of the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio in the body. This imbalance has been linked to chronic inflammation and an increased risk of diseases. Opting for creamers without seed oils will help you steer clear of these potential health risks.

Healthy Creamer Alternatives:

LAIRD Superfood Creamer:

  • Laird Superfood Creamer is a popular choice among health-conscious individuals. It's made with natural ingredients like coconut milk powder and organic coconut sugar. It's also gluten-free, non-GMO, and free from artificial additives.

Rising Tide Creamer:

  • Rising Tide Creamer is a dairy-free option made from a blend of coconut and almond milk. It contains no artificial ingredients, additives, or preservatives.

Primal Kitchen Creamer:

  • Primal Kitchen offers a variety of creamers made with ingredients like coconut milk, monk fruit extract, and natural flavors. They are dairy-free, gluten-free, and devoid of artificial sweeteners.

Bulletproof Creamer:

  • Bulletproof Creamer is designed to enhance mental and physical performance. It's made with grass-fed butter and MCT oil, providing a dose of healthy fats and sustained energy.

Four Sigmatic Think Creamer:

  • By including lion's mane extract in their creamer, Four Sigmatic provides a natural and effective way to boost brain health while enjoying your daily cup of coffee. Additionally, this creamer is made with coconut milk powder, organic coconut palm sugar, and other clean ingredients, making it a wholesome choice.

Anthony’s Organic Cocoa Creamer:

  • This shelf-stable and convenient creamer is made with Organic Cocoa, Organic Coconut Milk Powder, and Organic MCTs that lend a rich flavor and creaminess to your beverage of choice.

Malk Almond Milk:

  • Although not explicitly marketed as a creamer, Malk Almond Milk can be frothed and added to coffee for a creamy texture. It's made with organic, sprouted almonds and contains no additives or preservatives.

Raw, Organic, Grass-Fed Cream:

  • For those who prefer a traditional option, raw, organic, grass-fed cream is an excellent choice. It's rich in healthy fats and provides a luxurious texture to your coffee.

Choosing a clean coffee creamer is an easy step to take towards claiming your health. By avoiding creamers with inflammatory oils, artificial additives, and potentially harmful ingredients, you can enjoy your daily cup of coffee guilt-free! Remember, a little indulgence is fine, but for daily use, consider organic almond, hemp, or coconut milk, or even try making your own non-dairy milk for a wholesome and creamy coffee experience. 

Tip: Try my favorite mold-free, organic coffee by Kion! I love blending my coffee with Cultivate Elevate’s Pearl Powder (use code Jen10 for 10% off) and Native Path’s Collagen to add creaminess.

Much Love,
