Self Care Tips from a Single Mother of an Autistic Child

I am a single mother to a beautiful, perfect boy, Harper, who has Kleefstra Sydrome and autism. While most of my energy goes into taking care of Harper, I have learned the importance of taking care of myself. When I am taken care of, I am able to be a better mother to my son.

I’ve had too many days where I spend all morning rushing around getting Harper ready for the day and then have only 7 minutes to get ready myself. Putting mascara on in the car while on your way to a big client meeting is not a recipe for success.

The biggest shift happened in my life when I created a routine and stuck with it.

Here is my morning routine:

  • Wake up, pray, and set intentions for the day. 

  • Make myself a cup of Pique Matcha Tea. I usually have two cups in the morning. The first cup I just mix the matcha tea with purified water. If I need a treat a little later, I mix the matcha with purified water, Anima Mundi Coconut Creamer, and Manuka Honey. It’s the perfect tonic for washing down my Ancestral Collagen Supplements. Mornings when I’m rushed I tend to drink coffee instead and I don’t feel as good. 

  • I then fix Harper’s breakfast and head outside to drink my matcha tea and count my blessings and stretch in the Florida sun for a few minutes.

It’s amazing how those simple things transform my day!

In addition to having a routine, my advice to parents, and especially parents of autistic children, is to schedule time for yourself. No one breaks the yoga class I have three times a week! Schedule sitters and book regular massages, date nights, girls outings, walks by yourself, etc. For example, I have a sitter every Friday night. If I don’t have plans, I go to a yoga class or even have dinner by myself.

You don’t have to do it all yourself. If you’re able, pay someone to clean your house and get your groceries delivered. Save your energy wherever possible.

A healthy evening routine is also important for setting yourself up for success the following day.

The BEST thing I have found for me is to make myself go to bed early. I set reminders on my phone to make sure I do it! If I go to bed early, I can wake up before Harper and have time for myself in the morning.

Here is my Evening Routine:

  • Two hours before bedtime, I drink a big glass of lemon water with a pinch of mineral salt to help heal my adrenals.

  • I watch my blue light intake after 8pm and turn off my wifi so that my HGH can be released.

  • Get to bed on time. If you’re not sleeping, everything else falls apart. Tip: Limit alcohol because it disrupts your sleep.

I know being a parent is hard sometimes…take a minute to acknowledge the amazing job you are doing!

If you’re looking for more self care tips, download my self care checklist on my home page!

Much Love,
